A Nova is also an explosion that occurs on the surface on white dwarf stars.Nova could be derived from Supernova, which is the name for the events that occur when a star explodes and dies.Another minor Alfea fairy, Miky, is seen in the exact same fairy outfit (and fairy pose) as Nova.

Nova has displayed the basic, first-level abilities abilities all fairies possess, such as when levitated a book she was reading and turned a page by moving her head to the side. Nova, as Fairy of Firelight, has light-based powers. Later, Stella reveals Nova found her a copy of the uniform the hover cyclists wear. This gives the Winx the idea to sneak into the wedding under these disguises, with Nova suggesting they go in as flying hover cyclists. She tells her that there is going to be a lot of security and a big show with lots of circus performers. In " At the Last Moment," Stella consults Nova for information on King Radius and Countess Cassandra's wedding. Nova helps her cover for the other Winx girls. She appears again when the Winx goes to Andros and Stella stays behind. Nova seems very in tune with her home planet and she usually keeps Stella updated news and rumors from Solaria. Nova and Stella are both from Solaria and have a very close friendship. In " The Mirror of Truth, " she catches up with Stella who has just returned from the Barrier. She finds happiness in the simpliest things, like a candlelight dinner or curling in front of a warm fireplace during a cold winter. She is peaceful but she also has a fiery temper. However, she does relate these events to the princess and is helpful. Nova seems to be more up to date with Solaria than Stella.